September 18, 2009

Can You See It Now?

The rise and popularity of the new netbook computers has been quite remarkable. Can't remember the last time a new classification in computing has had such a favorable impact in a market thought to be saturated. But there's something about netbooks that attracts people. I'm not exactly sure what that is yet. I can't tell if they're a novelty or have what it takes to stay for years to come. They might last, as more applications go web-based and rely less on the client's processing power, low powered devices might become more mainstream. But that's the nerd in me talking. Netbook screens are a bit small for my liking, perhaps a new breed of notebook computers will come out with a web centric operating system and we won't have to rely on these small devices. We'll see.

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About Off Center Webcomic

Off Center is published weekly and is a family-friendly webcomic for people who like to laugh and maybe see the world in a slightly different way.

With all the filth on the Internet these days, hopefully this comic serves a refreshing oasis of fun and decency. And, most importantly, it is my hope that you enjoy this comic enough to return each week for the next installment. Always looking for comedic material so feel free to contribute!

Off Center © Tom Callen, all rights reserved. Comics remain the property of Tom Callen and cannot be used without prior consent.