June 12, 2009

What? What did I say?

The name of an organization or business is very important, one that should be thought out with considerable effort. Last thing you want is to turn people off from what you have to offer. My favorite example of all time is the website "Experts Exchange" which originally had a web address that read "expertsexchange.com". When read just right, you'd read "expert sex change" instead of "experts exchange". They have long ago corrected their address by adding a dash between the two words, but just goes to show how bizarre perceptions can come from the most unlikely of places.

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About Off Center Webcomic

Off Center is published weekly and is a family-friendly webcomic for people who like to laugh and maybe see the world in a slightly different way.

With all the filth on the Internet these days, hopefully this comic serves a refreshing oasis of fun and decency. And, most importantly, it is my hope that you enjoy this comic enough to return each week for the next installment. Always looking for comedic material so feel free to contribute!

Off Center © Tom Callen, all rights reserved. Comics remain the property of Tom Callen and cannot be used without prior consent.