July 24, 2009

News Hot Off the Screen!

Heard recently that several newspaper organizations will cease production of their paper version of the newspaper. And these are large newspaper organizations throwing in the towel which is the most shocking. However, this industry change is inevitable. With the focus on "green" business models coupled with the fact that by the time you get the newspaper unfolded to read, the news is what you've already read about online... the day before! I haven't subscribed to a newspaper in quite some time now. Got tired of seeing the local college football team get primary focus, no matter what news event happened in the country. If it doesn't affect or promote the local college football team, it just doesn't get put in our local newspaper. Quite sad to have a real world newspaper budget but they act like a student run newspaper. But I digress. Technology has a way of changing everything and newspapers are finally succumbing to the rush of technology, has happened with televisions, radio, automobiles, just about everything if you think about it.

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About Off Center Webcomic

Off Center is published weekly and is a family-friendly webcomic for people who like to laugh and maybe see the world in a slightly different way.

With all the filth on the Internet these days, hopefully this comic serves a refreshing oasis of fun and decency. And, most importantly, it is my hope that you enjoy this comic enough to return each week for the next installment. Always looking for comedic material so feel free to contribute!

Off Center © Tom Callen, all rights reserved. Comics remain the property of Tom Callen and cannot be used without prior consent.