I'm contantly amazed and shocked at the amount of money given to professional athletes. I understand they are the best in their respective sports/positions, but it has really gotten out of hand. The bulk of their fans are middle to low income people who shell out their hard earned money to watch these people play a kids game. Something isn't right there in my opinion. I read the other day that one pitcher in particular earns about $6,000 PER PITCH! Makes you wonder if, when he walks off the mound in an inning, does he think, "Let's see, that was 15 pitches, so I earned $90,000 that inning." An inning's worth of "work" earns him more than his average fan makes in 2-3 years! Is it any wonder why ticket prices and concessions keep going up?! They have to pay for those salaries somehow. I just cannot, in good faith, pay money to attend professional sports anymore as I don't want to support this messed up system.
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